Thursday, October 29, 2009

october 29th who would the book appeal to???

i think that the book should be available to other students in a perspectives class, but maybe only to juniors and seniors. this is because i think that the book is for maybe more of a mature audience, because of the setting and time period. the book is slow-buildng so you kind of have to have patience. although it is slow building i do think its appealing because of the time period and setting i like the true life, going through struggles books.

childrens death would be a obstacle that people should be ready for while reading this book. a little bit of the language of the book. not so much as swearing but the language of the book in general. the only real language in the book would be the words "shitty" and "arse" which means ass.

students would need to understand church language while reading this book but thats about it.

issues that students would be interested in disscussing would be the Depression and the Prohibitation

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